Our community suffers from common sickness like malaria and typhoid fever due to exposure to mosquito bite and bad water. Statistics shows that 80% of Nigerians are living below belt, and here in Edo State we have hundreds of patients stranded daily in hospitals with different kind of health issues unattended and this has further worsen the poverty situation of the people.

The focus of our N.G.O is born out of the aforementioned circumstances, with keen interest to finding a lasting solution, “a healthy mind they say is a wealthy mind”. We are committed to diligently curbing this health menace which we believe will make the society a better place for all, “Health they say is wealth”. We are saying that you become a reason a life is saved. That little you can afford that’s inconsequential to your earnings could be what is needed to make that significant effect.

Like we said earlier, we would not be able to effect enough changes alone because the target is to reach out to so many communities and scale our impact, so we are open to volunteers whose interest align with our core aim objectives

For inquiry, volunteering and info, kindly visit our website www.fastcareinitiative.org or email fastcareinitiative.org or call 07033729676. You can send your donations to:


Thank you and God bless you richly.


So far FAST CARE AND RELIEF INITIATIVE have been affecting lives of people within the reach of our scheme by making the most effective use of the limited resources at our disposal, we have been involve in -:


Paying of hospital bills for indigent patients stranded in the hospitals and not being discharged as a result.

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Presentation of glucometre and test strips to 33 diabetic patients..

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