TrueStory 1

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TrueStory 2

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TrueStory 3

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Our Mission

  • To revive the society through healthcare assistance
  • Total rehabilitation of women and children
  • Protection of the less privilege
  • To ensure lives are saved through proper health care
  • To create a better sense of community
  • To increase quality of life through health interventions.


  • We believe lives can be saved through the charitable goals of our initiative, we can work together to help the poor and afflicted, thereby making the society a better city. Through small effort of many, we wish to create a light to the world in unity and service


  • As we assist helpless and abandoned patients, pay their bills and set them up with a micro business of their own, we look forward to expanding our effort nation wide, our site will grow and become more accessible to all where we can be contacted with information and advise on areas to direct our attentions.
  • To have a network connection, open lines to take calls and complains, our email and website friendly accessible and helpful for families, small and large group, professionals and lay people.


So far FAST CARE AND RELIEF INITIATIVE have been affecting lives of people within the reach of our scheme by making the most effective use of the limited resources at our disposal, we have been involve in -:


Paying of hospital bills for indigent patients stranded in the hospitals and not being discharged as a result.

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Presentation of glucometre and test strips to 33 diabetic patients..

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